I felt more permanent today
My partner and I bought a house this summer in the town where we've lived and worked for the past five years. She, our son, and I just finished moving this past week and are enjoying our first weekend in the new place. Yesterday I mowed the lawn for the first time. It was a really hot day (90ºF) and the beer I had right after (a humble Corona), was among the top five best-tasting beers I've ever drank.
I bought a new grill this weekend and last night Lincoln and I grilled up some burgers and sweet corn. Sam made rice crispy treats. She followed the recipe on the back of the cereal box exactly and they were so tasty.
All this is to say that I feel really good right now—more settled, less transient, permanent.
Here's a shoddy photo I snapped with my phone of move-in day.