

I wrote 3 posts
  1. Eclipse Day 2024
  2. Eggcorns and other language fun facts
  3. Some things I can't remember


I wrote 12 posts
  1. Share Controls Web Component
  2. Reviving my recipe website
  3. Playing shows with Yuki
  4. Weathering a shitstorm
  5. Migrating from Eleventy to Kirby
  6. It's ok to need a day off
  7. How I take notes with Obsidian
  8. Spring chances
  9. More control over Figma SVG exports
  10. Styling link underlines in 2023
  11. Triangulate


I wrote 11 posts
  1. November 2022
  2. The web feels exciting again
  3. Static site generator fatigue
  4. A small, but significant gesture
  5. My notes on Eleventy WebC components
  6. Twenty-five more years
  7. Wrap element snippet
  8. The right path at the wrong time
  9. Spring 2022 garden plans
  10. Corita Kent on making
  11. Designers and redesigners


I wrote 4 posts
  1. Howard Finster and Paradise Garden
  2. The lowest highs
  3. Visually hidden snippet
  4. Smaller Better Things


I wrote 4 posts
  1. Copyright Snippet
  2. We Are The Songwriters
  3. Working and Mourning
  4. Accordion Container Web Component


I wrote 6 posts
  1. Progressive enhancement doesn’t have to be hard
  2. Focus trapping web component
  3. Sharpening the saw
  4. Universal Designer
  5. Rocky
  6. My 2019 Todo List


I wrote 7 posts
  1. Bye, 2018
  2. The HTML Straw Man Fallacy
  3. I’ll never be good at this
  4. Skyscraper or garden?
  5. I felt more permanent today
  6. Burnout and knowing when to walk away
  7. Bowie McG


I wrote 4 posts
  1. Slow Drip
  2. Summer Seventeen EP
  3. What is next
  4. Deep Cuts


I wrote 4 posts
  1. Family Portraits August 2016
  2. Potting Plants
  3. Paper Cut Ups
  4. January 2016


I wrote 3 posts
  1. Dr. Oliver Sacks
  2. Messenger
  3. Eye on The Universe